
Anabaptist Financial provides business resources that integrate biblical and Anabaptist principles with practical business knowledge for the Anabaptist business community. Our resources help business families continue their learning on the job as they face 21st-century business challenges. A substantial number of these business resources have been produced from Anabaptist Financial seminar topics, which we present without reservation. Among our business resources we also recommend other books and articles for learning significant business principles and best practices. While they are generally in alignment with Anabaptist values, we do not endorse every aspect of their content. We present them as helpful resources to be read and applied with discrimination.


Biblical Principles of Business and Work

Business Startup and Planning

Sales and Marketing


Business Agreements

For Employees

Employee Management and Relations

Business Leadership

Business Governance and Transitions

Finance, Accounting, and Taxes

Business Communications

Business Operations


Finance / Accounting / Taxes


Employee Management and Relations

  • Employee Management — Bernard Kliska, Ph.D., Dale Martin, Doug Ramer, Kelly LeCouvie, Stephen McClure, Steve Jones, Wade Myers

Sales and Marketing

  • Sales and Marketing — Anabaptist Financial, Atlee Raber, Caleb Crider, Dean Martin, Howard Horst, Leon Wengerd, Paul Landis, Rodney Martin, Roy Herr

Business Startup and Planning


For Employees


Finance / Accounting / Taxes

Business Leadership

Business Startup and Planning

Employee Management and Relations

Business Agreements

Sales and Marketing

Business Governance and Transitions

Biblical Principles of Business and Work

Business Communications

Business Operations

Biblical Principles of Stewardship

Finance, Accounting, and Taxes


Employee Management and Relations

Finance / Accounting / Taxes

Sales and Marketing